Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Changement de site

Comme vous le voyez, je n'utilise plus le blog pour poster des documents. En effet, je les inclus directement sur le site internet du Collège Les Explorateurs.
Donc si vous désirez continuer à lire les articles, rendez vous sur ce site.

Bonne lecture!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Récits de voyage sur le site du collège

Just click on the title to follow the link!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Correction du devoir de 3ème

4. What is the country that is ALMOST surrounded (not COMPLETELY surrounded) by South Africa? Swaziland, not Lesotho.

Last question: How many kilometres is it grom Cape Town to Port Elizabeth: roughly 700km.

IV) A) Complete the sentences with the right relative pronoun. /2

a) Lesotho is a small country WHICH / THAT is totally surrounded by the Republic of South Africa.

b) The video we studied was made in Great Britain. ( article zéro possible car il est complément d'objet du verbe study: we studied the video).

Or: The video THAT we studied was made in Great Britain.

Or: The video WHICH we studied was made in Great Britain.

c) The people WHO are waiting to board their planes are very patient! (Les gens QUI...)

d) This is the city WHERE Mandela lived when he was a child.

Variante: This is the city IN WHICH (dans laquelle) Mandela lived when he was a child.

B) Each time, form ONE sentence with a relative clause in it. (Forme une phrase contenant une proposition relative à l’aide des éléments donnés.) /6

1) I know a sportswoman WHO is taking part in the winter Olympic Games in Canada team. (QUI)

2) I went to a special place last year WHERE there is a museum on slavery. (Où)

3) This is the film I told you about.

or: This is the film that I told you

4) It was a very unjust system THAT kept people apart.

or: It was a very unjust system WHICH kept people apart.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

S'entraîner à maîtriser les pronoms relatifs

Here are a few links toward activities that allow you to practise. These activities come from the famous site for learning English, www.anglaisfacile.com.

Voici quelques liens vers des activités vous permettant de vous exercer. Le site d'apprentissage de l'anglais qui héberge ces activités est le célèbre www.anglaisfacile.com .

Débutants 2
Débutants 3
Autres exercices, plus difficiles.

Good luck!

Monday, February 15, 2010

A map of South Africa with questions

1. What is the capital of South Africa? ____________________

2. What ocean borders South Africa to the west? _______________

3. What ocean borders South Africa to the southeast? _______________

4. What is the name of the piece of land in South Africa that lies at the junction of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans? ____________________ (in French le Cap de Bonne Espérance)

5. What is the name of the country that borders South Africa to the northwest? ___________

6. What is the name of the country that lies entirely within South Africa? _______________ (pronounced /l Ə 'so: to: /

7. What is the name of the country that is almost surrounded by South Africa (on the east, this country borders Mozambique)? ____________________

8. What is the name of the city that is roughly 50 km southwest of Pretoria? _____________

9. Roughly how many kilometers is it from Durban to Ladysmith: 2 km, 20 km, 200 km, 2000 km, or 20000 km? ____________________

10. How far is Messina from Cape Town? It is roughly _______km away from Cape Town.

11. How long and how wide is the country? It is _____km long and ____ km wide.

12. If you wanted to travel from Cape Town to De Aar, in which direction would you head? ____________________________________

13. The 2010 FIFA world cup will take place between 11 June and 11 July. Which season will that be in the southern hemisphere? Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer? It ______________

B) Now, log on to http://simple.wikipedia.org and www.classedanglais.blogspot.com to complete the information that you have found, and write a summary to describe South Africa.

(écris ton résumé comme si tu t’adressais à un public, sous forme de questions-réponses pour le rendre plus vivant.

Quelques suggestions : dates clés, personnages marquants, le sport, emblèmes, sites touristiques…).

South Africa is the most southern country in the African continent. How big is it? Well, it is about ………km wide and its area is ……..……..km² (about twice as big as France). The population: there are ……… million inhabitants and the population is mostly black (….% Black, 9.1% White, 9% Coloured, 2.6 ……..) ………………………………………………

Monday, February 01, 2010

A trip to South Africa

Here is a very useful link from Time for Kids that can help you complete your summary on South Africa:

On this site, you will find a sight seeing guide (you can also click on the map below), a history timeline (frise chronologique), an interview of Nelson Mandela, and much useful information!

Enjoy the tour!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Learn your vocabulary more easily!

I read about an interesting internet site, www.wordle.net, which allows you to create images from the words of a text. The words are arranged at random on the page and that creates beautiful images.
I think this tool can be used in a useful, and maybe artistic way too, to learn vocabulary.
Once you have created a new picture, you can save it to the public library and share it. Thus your classmates can also see your wordle-picture on the internet. Brilliant, isn't it?

Now it's up to you to create your own pictures with words.

Wordle: Bedroom vocabulary

(French version: J'ai lu quelque chose d'intéressant au sujet d'un site internet, www.wordle.net, qui permet de créer des images à partir des mots d'un texte. Les mots sont disposés au hasard sur la page et cela permet de créer de belles images.
Je pense que cet outil peut être utilisé de manière utile, et peut-être artistique aussi, pour apprendre du vocabulaire. Une fois que vous avez créé une nouvelle image, il vous est possible de l'enregistrer dans la "bibliothèque publique" et de la partager. Ainsi, vos camarades de classes peuvent aussi consulter votre image-wordle sur internet. C'est super, non?)

Wordle: Les Explorateurs poster

Monday, January 18, 2010

La modalité et les auxiliaires modaux en 3ème

(Légende: Vous êtes autorisé à infliger des souffrances mais elle ne doivent être ni graves, ni prolongées.)

Nombre d'élèves ont demandé des aides supplémentaires pour parvenir à bien maîtriser l'emploi des modaux. Le point de départ est bien sûr les fiches distribuées en classe. Pour poursuivre l'étude, il y a le manuel.

Voici enfin un site qui propose un récapitulatif avec les VALEURS, c'est à dire le sens, des modaux, des traductions de phrases et une série très complète d'exercices corrigés en ligne sous forme de QCM. C'est ludique et en même temps très efficace pour faire le point sur ses connaissances.

Here are also some exercices for practice. The corrections are given at the bottom of the page in small fonts.
Voici également quelques exercices pour vous entraîner. Les corrections sont en bas de la page en petits caractères.

Now it's up to you (A vous de jouer)!

My bedroom!

To go deeper in the exploration of a bedroom, click on the pictures below. (Pour aller un peu plus loin dans l'exploration d'une chambre, cliquez sur les images ci-dessous.)